Critical gathering information

Getting into the gathering without getting a mandatory court appearance ticket

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Planning for the 2024 July 4th Gathering


Every Wednesday all are welcome to help plan for a safe and sane gathering over July 4th, 2024.

What is Everybody's Zoom?  An online web based conferencing system. If you don't have internet access, you can call in from a phone. Please note that if you're phone has toll charges, those apply.

Learn more about Everybody's Zoom here. If you visit the link, at the top of the page is the information for phone users. Or just click on the link at the top of the page to join via the internet or via the Zoom application on your phone.


  1. Glad to have found your site. Looking forward to Rainbow Gathering 2024. Thanks.
    My name is Joy

  2. I love this idea because the day of our nation's "So Called," Independence has gotten us more dependant then I care to be. Free is FREE. No limitations of the mind and love will at last prevail and we can be righteous in our thinking , being of like mindedness. Take it to a different level. We could make up our own form of being independent. Thinkers, designers, musicians, artist. Orrr somewhere in between. It doesnt matter as long as we all bring the right tools to sculpt ourselves into beautiful beings able to do good deeds and find appreciation, able to reach out a hand and another fills that empty space, bring with you the spirit and it's window into the unknown, the soul where all our weary thoughts lie remembering where we came from and how we'd finally made it 🏡 me. PLUS MY 64 BIRTHDAY IS JULY 7TH not that it matters to anyone . But ITD BE COOL TO CELEBRATE WITH ALL THE RAINBOW FAMILY. It would be my first gathering.

  3. Trying to go to one close to me I live in Wa

    1. My first was Talladega 1993, then again 1996 every trip the unseen hand blocked me. I have missed many but I am the better to have gone. TRULY inclusive, not the DEI lies they tell on TV. BEAUTIFUL FAMILY WEEE LUUUV YOU 🤠


I look forward to comments that avoid racist, sexist, homophobic, and/or other 'ism' language & that does not advocate violence or spread lies/rumors. Comment moderation is currently on to keep things positive and constructive.