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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Rap 121 Sexuality and Consent

 This is a gathering based on love and respect.

Please help create a safe space for everyone.
Respect each other and do no harm.
Ask before hugging or touching anyone.
Nudity is natural, and not a sexual invitation.
“No” means NO! The absence of “Yes” means NO!

A sleeping or intoxicated person cannot consent.
A person under the legal age of consent cannot consent.
A person unable to competently consent for any reason cannot consent.
Consent at one time does not imply consent at any other time.
Consent for one action does not imply consent for any other action.
Consent given can be revoked at any time.
Respect yourself and trust your instincts. If you don’t feel comfortable being intimate or alone with someone, or with what someone wants you to do, you have the right to say “no”.
If planning on engaging in sexual activity, open and forthright sharing about sexually transmitted infections is necessary.
Love happens – protect yourself – use condoms! If you don’t have one, just ask.
If you observe what you believe to be a boundary or consent violation, offer support or get help.
If you see immediate danger of any kind, yell out “Shanti Sena!” and other gatherers will rush to your aid. If you hear someone yell “Shanti Sena,” approach quickly, carefully and peacefully.
We are all Shanti Sena – Peace keepers!

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