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Monday, June 3, 2024

Music as Magical Peacekeeping Tool

The Earth Is Our Mother


For family who are more musically included, we have a long tradition of chants and songs not for performance, but for participation. Many of these songs are call and response or chant type songs. We use these songs to create community, help people be more peaceful and create the energy we wish to see in this world.

If you do not already know some of the rainbow songs, there are on-line websites that have the information.  If you play an instrument or even if you do not, try to learn these songs.  Then when you are at a gathering, I'm sure you will find a moment that is calling out for family singing and you will be prepared.

Thanks to family who have taken the time to make this information freely available.
Bliss Fire Website
Welcome Home Website

Singing is one of the best tactics to improve the vibration of the gathering. I've even seen people sing to break up hostile situations, calm the anxious, and create community among random strangers. Be the magic!


  1. As I chanted this particular song on long miles of empty highway, a new verse arose, "The earth is my mother she will take care of me," and as I heard it that way, a great reverence arose, she does take of us. Yes, we have to take care of her but it is the earth which provides for us.

  2. from the 1994 Wyoming gathering up to now, love your brothers and sisters, and treat each other as you would your self.


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